Welcome and Congrats.....
NH Baseball Boosters would like to congratulate your son for making the 2022 roster. Whether representing the 7th/8th grade or are a returning Varsity player, it is exciting to see our sons achieve that roster spot and represent their school and community doing what they love! We are very excited to welcome parents to partner with throughout the season. The Boosters are so excited for this season, we think it will be the best one yet! A few key dates to keep track of before the season gets into swing, find more key dates in your welcome package that you will receive at the parent meeting:
Monday, March 14 - Spring Sports Pep Rally (JV and Varsity only) - come out and support NH Spring Sports!
Wednesday, March 16 - Parent Meeting 6-7 HS Cafeteria
Wednesday, March 16 - Spring Trip Meeting Immediately following general meeting Booster Dues and Spring Trip Paid-in-Full at this time!
Friday, March 18 - Senior Pictures 2:30 Scott Studios
Saturday, March 19 - Picture Day for all players 8-11 @ NH MS Gym Please arrive 15 minutes early
8:45am - 7th and 8th Grade
9am - 9th Grade
9:15am - JV and Varsity
3/23-3/27 Spring Trip @ The Ripken Experience Myrtle Beach, SC